Category Archives: Uncategorized
Teilhard Opened a Door
In this guest blog poet Charles C. Finn shares a personal journey enabled by Teilhard de Chardin. Teilhard by Charles C. Finn It was Teilhard de Chardin who opened the door for me into a new universe back in my … Continue reading
The church and the divided brain
The following was posted on the Global Sisters Report, a project of the National Catholic Reporter. The church and the divided brain, by Ilia Delio, OSF The efforts of Pope Francis to reach out to the poor, awaken a connectedness … Continue reading
Teilhard de Chardin on Suffering
from Guest Blooger Yurii Ramos…. Suffering, although not a central theme in Teilhard de Chardin, is a very significant and effective one. It opens ones eyes toward one of the most beguiling of human mysteries. Here are some excerpts from … Continue reading
Book review: From Teilhard to Omega
From I was hoping to have a series of book reviews over the Northern Hemisphere summer. However, daily activities such as work, kids baseball games and family activities present precious little time for reading much less writing reviews. One … Continue reading