$100,000 + Major Sponsor
Anthony J. Tambasco
Mary McGahey Dwan
MC Conroy
$25,000 — $99,999 Omega Point
Raskob Foundation
Cushman Foundation
Allerd Stikker
Dennis and Pamela Lucey
Monica McGinley
Jo-Ann Frank
Brennan and Marie Hill
Benevolentia Foundation
$15,000 – $24,999 Rediscovering Fire
Jesuit Conference of Canada and the U.S.
C. Maury Devine
$10,000 – $14,999 Cosmic Convergence
Association of Catholic Radio and TV Producers
Catherine Cappelletty
Gregory Maguire
Georgetown University
Gregory J. Lynch and Eileen Schnabel
Nancee Simonson
$5000 – $9999 The Human Phenomenon
John and Evelyn Haught
Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities
Maureen O’Leary
Meehan Foundation
Mike and Fran Harmon
Maureen Orth
The Joseph A. and Sally K. Keyes Family Fund
College of the Holy Cross
Fairfield University
Fordham University
Le Moyne College
Loyola University Maryland / Cosmos and Creation
St. Louis University
University of San Francisco
$1000 – $4999 The Divine Milieu
Julia Hutchison
American Teilhard Association
Woodstock Theological Center
John and Mariann Borelli
Nicole Schmitz-Moormann
Elinor Jane Stock
Stephen White
Nicholas Cairns
Thomas and Ida Schick
Michael Bartlett
Jane Moore
Thomas and Katherine Rucinsky
The Giving Tree Fund
Marjorie Suchocki
Mary Evelyn Tucker
Elizabeth Frawley Bagley
Daniel and Isabel Dolan
Rob Rayner
Mark and Jennifer Cappelletty
Dolores Leckey
John and Margaret Douglas
Ursula King
Michael and Janet Frost
Jane Blewett Niznik
John Grim
Tim and Ellen Collins
Paul and Leonila Montgomery
H. James Birx
Fred and Sharon Moor
Rev. John T. Catoir
Geraldine M. Critchley
Karen Stoffers
Veronica and Matthew Cook
Arthur Downey
Bob Bonnot
Chestnut Hill College
James L. Dugan, SJ
Branko Milicevic
David Mog
Thomas O’Leary
Mary and John Podesta
Martin T. Walsh and Melanie K. Wieland
Louis Savary and Patricia Berne
Charles and Penny Finn
Elizabeth and Delia Gianturco
James and Linda Krag
Russell Raskob
$250 – $999 The Noosphere
Elizabeth A. Donnelly & Philip Pulaski
Annette Kane
Marcia McMahon
Pierre & Jacqueline Francois
Daniel Roche
Terry Carlin
John and Ann Hisle
Sr. Mary Frost, SDS
Mary Kay Kickels
Kathleen Mullen
Robert Sauerbrey
Merribel Ayres
Robert Weichert
Thérèse M Bertsch
Robert Stewart
Peter Albert and Charlotte Mahoney
Margaret Bartel
Robert and Sandra Crowley
James J. Gardiner, SA
Robert and Susan Martens
Patrick Towell and KT Harroun
E.V. Turina
Urban von Wahlde
Helen Shearer
Mary O’Herron
L. Howard Carl, Jr.
Daryl Domning
Carmen Grima
John Harllee, Jr.
Aline D. and Gerald Wolf
Maquisard Productions
Michael A. McFarland
Elizabeth and Jan Matusak
Michael Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardenhire
John Scillepi
Michael Vonnegut
James Walls
Richard J Bayerl
Larry Burk
Thomas Christie
Linda O. Pierce
Roger Sullivan
$100 – $249 Sacredness of the Earth
Barry Blackburn
Crowley Family Trust
Suzanne E. D’Amato
Dan Driscoll
Mary Sue Flanagan
John Geaney, CSP
Steven Harris
Helen Hatfield
J. Kimball & Mary Kehoe
John Kotre
Daniel H. Krivit
Barbara Zientek and George Perez
Ruth Piesinger
Marie Saeger
Carole Smith Sargent
Ellen Skerrett
Joseph Tafelski
Harvey Trimble
Bob Waters
Barbara Zientek
Hilda Geraghty
Rev. R Stephen Almagno
Judy Andrews
Kevin Gallagher
William Maloney
Albert Reichilt
Deanna Howes Spiro
Francis T. Thacker
Judith Butler
Evelyn J. Niles
Ronald H. Reimann
Susan Galllegos
Peter M. Gubbels
Ruth Droege, OP
Odile Coirier
Christine Sanchirico
BM Studio, Belgrade
Lucy and Samir Abu-Absi
Alfred Arena
Sepp Babler
Paul R. Bentley
Barbara Bordelon
Margaret Brauer
Carolyn and David Brock
Marilyn Butler
Theresa Carns
Nenad Cosic
Dorothy Courtis
Katherine Davies
Barbara H.R. Davis
Kees DeBoer
Kathleen Desmond
Eileen Margaret Dunn
Mary Dale Ellis
Suzanne Fitzpatrick
Joan Fothergill
Judith Gilbert
Francis X. Gorman
Anne M. Gynn Trust
Jacqueline Hammond
Richard and Maribeth Hendricks
Joseph and Mary Howard
Warren Hyer
Harold Isbell
Paula Kane
Victor and Patricia Kimm
Harry S. Limbocker
Christopher Love
Edward L. Martinez, M.S.
Michael McNamara
Ronald and Janet Nimer
Viola Olsen
Bonnie N. Peterson
James Peterson and Kathleen Beaulieu
Ken Potter
Mary Claire Price
Ronald and Marie Rhodes
Larry Rich
Grace Rissetto
Suzanne Rittenberry
Margaret Ross
Norma Rossi
Paul and Lillian Schlachter
Robert Schramm
John H. Schweitzer
Marylou Sheils
Jean Sweeney
Philippe Teilhard de Chardin
Petar Vasojevic
Elizabeth Wahl
Dale Welch
Robert Downey
John Laker
Edmund G. Ryan, S.J.
Jacqueline Turner
James A. Wallace, CSsR
$5 — $99 Teilhard Friends
Tears from the Deep
Elizabeth Adams
John Farina
Jean-Phillipe Sellès
Stephen Pastick
William Russell & Associates, Inc.
Annie Spade
Freek van Leeuwen
Norman Berkley
Bede Bidlack
Mary Ann Blome
Marko Bozovic
James Brown
Brian Cote
Georgina Dean
Maria M. Decse
Myles E. Diskin
Jim Flaherty
David A. Frost
Nikolaus Hammerl
Bud Hensgen
Stephen Humphrey
John & Mitzi Jimison
Michael Kreykes
Anne Latour
Eric le Chasseur
Rita Leitch
Carolyn Luce
Lorraine Mackin
Ljiljana Markovic
Pam Matchie-Thiede
Candalene J. McCombs
Peter McLoughlin
Joan Niemi
Mariann Payne
Victor Pedraz
Carol Smith Petro
Anthony and Sarah Rimicci
Marc Ross
Reed Schilbach
Christine Tracy
Gail Waring, RSM
Kara Wood
Rebecca Mary Clarkson
Monica Olsen
Olga Flores
James Ross Hamilton
Alexander V. Tenodi
John Chuchman
Thomas Dare
Niels de Terra
George Evans
Kristen Harris
I. Louise Landeta
Mary-Claire Maggio
Thomas O’Brien
Alison Perry
Kathleen Pooler
Joseph Puhalla
William Richey
Carol Rohloff
Alan Sage
Rosemary Shirley
John Wahlund
William P. Walsh
Eileen Whittington
Sr. Maureen Wild, S.C.
The REAL Center
Elizabeth Giroux
Carl Ihli
James McReynolds
Suzanna Reeder
Barbara K. Rider
John Rodrigues
Sr. Paulette Shaunfield
Ryan Trubits
Bernard Carroll, SJ
Anthony Nicholls
Harry Ansems
Frederick Brigham
Brian Buczynski
Kevin Filocamo
Basilia Mora Jaimez
Christina Lee
Sally McClean
Dennis Pachernegg
Kevin Smith
Alejandra Warmbier
David Youngblood
Desmond Delaney
Paul Crowley, SJ
Michael Joyce
Robert Dennys
Anne Koole
Chris and Cindy Kuhn