Today marks the 64th anniversary of Teilhard’s daeath, and you have the chance to celebrate the feast of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, if you worship in the Episcopal liturgical tradition. If not, you can still join in spirit. Here are some intercessions and a prayer from today’s liturgy:
O cosmic Christ, you are present in the heart of the world; may we reverence you in all your works.
Unifying Center of the Universe, you draw all things to yourself; bring all creation to the fullness of being.
Redeemer of the World; help us to protect our environment for future generations.
God of the heavens; may our ventures into space be for the good of humankind and in accord with gospel values.
Christ, The Alpha and the Omega; may all who have died enjoy the glory of the resurrection and aid us on our way.
PRAYER: We give you thanks, Creator God, for your servant Teilhard, and for all those who help us to see your in our universe. May creation be continually transformed that all may share in the life, death and resurrection of God become human, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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