Tag Archives: Christmas


For almost a decade an intrepid band of Teilhardistas have been caring for Teilhard’s grave in Hyde Park, NY, on the grounds of the Culinary Institute of America (CIA).  The effort was originally led by Dr. Jacqueline Francois, and her … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas to all

The following reflection and prayer by Guest Blogger Matthew Cook was inspired by Teilhard de Chardin and Gerard Manley Hopkins. I am enlightened by what Teilhard and Hopkins said about anticipation and hope, but I am inspired by how they … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas to all!

Many thanks to Jacqueline Francois for honoring the grave of Teilhard de Chardin in Hyde Park, NY, with a Christmas wreath.  And for sharing this photo.  She writes about the day she placed the wreath, “Unfortunately the strong pelting rain … Continue reading

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