This website explores the life and legacy of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, an early 20th Century French Jesuit priest and scientist, as it introduces an inspiring film about him, TEILHARD: Visionary Scientist.

TEILHARD: Visionary Scientist will air on WETA Metro (Washington, DC PBS channel) on Saturday, October 26 at 3 PM ET. now available for streaming in the U.S. on the free PBS App.

TEILHARD: Visionary Scientist is now available for streaming in the U.S. on the free PBS App. Download the app here to your television or other device, and then search the app for the film’s title.

For INTERNATIONAL viewing (as well as U.S.), this second streaming link takes you directly to the film on your computer or tablet without need for download.

DVDs of TEILHARD: Visionary Scientist are now available through the Maryland Public Television online store. Order your copy at this link.

We will continue to add information and resources so as to offer a crossroads for conversation about Teilhard – the man, the visionary, the scientist, the mystic. Your support will facilitate the growth of this site, as well as educational outreach.


Learn More About…

“Magnificently told”
Thomas J. Reese, SJ

Rose Pacatte
National Catholic Reporter

“A vivid and visually rich recounting of Teilhard’s career”
John Mulderig
Our Sunday Visitor

TEILHARD: Visionary Scientist EPK

Click here to download .PDF of this EPK.

See detailed timeline of Teilhard’s life at this link from the American Teilhard Association website.