Further Reading: Teilhard

The Divine Milieu, Harper Collins (2001)
The Phenomenon of Man, translated by René Hague, New York: Harper, 1959
The Human Phenomenon, Translated by Sarah Appleton-Weber, Sussex Academic Press (2022) 

The Heart of Matter,  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1978)
Christianity and Evolution, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1971)
Activation of Energy, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1970)
Human Energy, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1969)
Science and Christ, Harper and Row (1968)
Toward the Future, Harper and Row (1968)
Man’s Place in Nature, Harper and Row (1966)
The Vision of the Past,
Harper and Row (1966)
The Appearance of Man, Harper and Row (1965)
The Future of Man, Harper and Row (1964)
Building the Earth, Dimension Books (1965)
Hymn of the Universe, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1970)
Toward the Future, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1971)
On Love and Happiness, Harper and Row (1984)
How I Believe, Harper and Row (1969)
Writings Selected by Ursula King, Orbis Book (1999)

Letters from Egypt, 1905-08, Herder and Herder (1965)
Letters from Hastings, 1908-12, Herder and Herder (1968)
Letters from Paris, 1912-14, Herder and Herder (1967)
The Making of a Mind, 1914-19, Harper and Row (1965)
Letters from a Traveller, 1923-55, Harper and Row (1962)
Letters from My Friend Teilhard de Chardin, 1948-55, Paulist Press (1980)
Letters of Teilhard de Chardin and Lucile Swan, 1932-55, Georgetown University Press (1993)
Letters to Leontine Zanta, 1923-39, Harper and Row (1969)
Letters to Two Friends, 1926-52, New American Library (1968) 
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin-Maurice Blondel, Correspondence 1919, Herder and Herder (1967)
The Making of a Mind, Letters from a Soldier-Priest, 1914-1919, Hassell Street Press (2021)

Ursula King, Spirit of Fire
Mary and Ellen Lukas, Teilhard: The Man, The Priest, The Scientist
Claude Cuenot, Teilhard de Chardin, transl by Vincent Colimore, ed by René Hague (Baltimore: Helicon Press, 1958)

George B. Barbour, In the Field with Teilhard de Chardin
Helmut de Terra, Memories of Teilhard de Chardin

Edith de la Héronnière, Une mystique de la traversée
Marie Bayon de la Tour, Marie-Josephe Conchon, Marie-Jeanne Coutagne, and Mercé Prats, Le Feminin avenir du mondez: Deux vies en conversation – Marguerite Teillard-Chambon et son cousin Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.  (August, 2022)
Marie Bayon de la Tour, Dominique Lambert, Paul Malphettes, Le Phénomène Humain de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Genèse d’une publication hors normes.  (December, 2022)
Merce Prats, Etienne Fouilloux, Une Parole Attendue: La circulation des polycopies de Teilhard de Chardin.  (May 12, 2022)
Merce Prats, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Biographie (September, 2023)

More on Teilhard’s writings may be found at the American Teilhard Association website.