Tag Archives: theology
Teilhard de Chardin on Suffering
from Guest Blooger Yurii Ramos…. Suffering, although not a central theme in Teilhard de Chardin, is a very significant and effective one. It opens ones eyes toward one of the most beguiling of human mysteries. Here are some excerpts from … Continue reading
Charity and progress
From Teilhard.com: “Christian detachment subsists wholly in this wider attitude of mind: but instead of ‘leaving behind’ it leads on; instead of cutting off, it raises. It is no longer a breakaway but a way through; no longer a withdrawal … Continue reading
Webinar: The entangled state of God and humanity
The Entangled State of God and Humanity, presented by the Asheville Jung Center Presenter: Peter Todd Date: Thursday, June 12, 2014 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Eastern US Time Zone) **Please click here to look up your country’s relative live … Continue reading
Letter from a “Happy Atheist”
Guest blog from Harry Ansems: Our Individual Survival In my younger years as a pupil of a grammar school I read Teilhard de Chardin’s The Human Phenomenon. Afterwards I never found a more inspiring book. The idea of a natural … Continue reading